Blood vessel and capillary removal is performed with a MeDioSar NeXT PRO or QuadroStarPROYELLOW laser. The principle of the operation of the yellow light laser is common to both capillaries and red. The blood in the enlarged capillaries, or the small amount of blood vessels that forms the coagulation (redness), absorbs the laser light and the vessel wall is sufficient, thus damaging the blood vessels. Laser action destroys excess blood vessels that can occur in the face or body of the skin due to various factors (lighter or thinner skin for humans, the tendency may be inherited or appear after sunburns or burns in the skin in the course of internal organ diseases). The face is often pink (affects capillaries and couperose). Capillaries can also be present in the legs due to the pathology of the veins of the legs (often accompanied by varicose veins of the legs). Angiomas are vascular skin derivatives that are seen in the skin as red dots or nodules.
Blood vessel and capillary removal by laser
The enlarged vascular and its derivatives are usually treated with injections of sclerosing fluid, which are painful procedures. The treatment with MeDioStar NeXT Laser is a quick way for an impeccable result! A great effect is achieved after the first procedure!
How is the procedure performed?
In the planned treatment place of the body, the hair is removed and the skin is cooled (the greatest damage is, the longer it is cooled). Laser light pulse causes a slight tingling sensation, which is an indication of effective treatment. In this way, blood vessels and capillaries are removed for a long time without causing any side effects and without leaving scars. The procedure is painless, so local anesthesia is usually unnecessary. The length of the procedure depends on the size of the damage and lasts from a few to several minutes. After treatment, redness, swelling and / or a feeling of heat can be seen.
How many procedures can be needed?
To achieve the most desired result, there are several procedures, and sometimes even one treatment is enough. Small vessels are removed in 1-3 procedures with a few break weeks, but more damage, especially in the leg skin, may require more procedures.
Laser treatment for facial pink and red
What is face redness?
Face red, rosacea and face pink are basically synonyms. Laser heals (destroys) enlarged capillaries. On the contrary, it does not affect any inflammatory cells. Pink is a chronic, often exacerbated, acne-like disease of the skin that affects the central part of the face (cheeks, chin, nose, foramen). Pink is characterized by two clinical components: vascular changes associated with permanent or intermittent redness of the face, and a rash similar to acne, characterized by nodules, flutter, cysts, and sebaceous glands.
How is laser treatment for facial red performed?
The principle of the operation of the yellow light laser is common to both capillaries and redness: blood in the enlarged capillaries or small cellular tissue forming a cupherosis, absorbing laser light and damping the blood vessels.
How will the skin look after the procedure?
The skin is usually reddish, swollen, shale or blister may be also found (normal skin reaction to laser therapy).
Is the procedure painful?
The procedure is not very painful; however, the patient may feel tingling, burning.
Important to know:
Before the start of the treatment
- It is recommended that at least 4 weeks before the treatment, avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the treatment place of your skin (no exposure to the sun, solarium).
- If you are using anticoagulants (blood-thinning medicines eg. Orfarin, Aspirin), stop using them at least 3 days before the procedure.
- There can be no pathological changes in the treatment spor (inflammation, puffiness, etc.).
What side effects and complications may occur
Medical treatment procedures are never without risk. Typically, this treatment is characterized by a few complications:
- Depending on the size of the damage, after treatment, skin redness, swelling and / or a feeling of bitterness may be visible. Shavers or bubbles that can not be manipulated with can be formed.
- Occasionally pigmentation changes may occur (the treated area is pale or darkened relative to the surrounding skin), but it usually lasts from a few weeks to several months.
- In rare cases, visible scars or skin inclusions may occur. The treated blood vessels usually do not regenerate, but over time new blood vessels may expand in new places. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid sun / use sun-protection sunscreens, avoid saunas and other vasodilators.
After treatment
- It is recommended to cool the treated area until it becomes pleasant.
- If the scabs were formed, do not touch them.
- Avoid exposure to the sun or sun (solarium) treated area for at least 6 weeks without ultraviolet radiation. Use sunscreen (SPF 30 or more) if you have to spend more time outdoors..
- Avoid intense physical exercises, hot baths and saunas for at least 5 days after treatment.
- Avoid skin redness due to alcohol, spicy spices or similar substances.
- If you notice skin irritation or other skin reactions that are not mentioned here, please first contact your doctor who has performed the procedure.