Worldwide there is an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult specialists who will inform you and advise you before deciding to "get rid of" an unwanted item. In Kaunas, laser cutting of waxes, carps and other various derivatives is a simple, painless, professional procedure that takes some time to prepare. The "MCL 30 Dermablate Superfractional Er: YAG" laser can be used to treat any type of surface, benign skin derivatives:
- birthmarks,
- derivatives of human papillomavirus,
- cholesterol accumulation,
- millet, etc.
In most cases, one procedure is enough to permanently destroy the compound. The destruction of warts has never been so easy.
Birthmark removal by laser
Birthmark is a derivative of melanocyte cells that can appear anywhere on the skin of the human body. The occurrence and extent of the moles is mostly determined by genetics and UV rays. Often people confuse birthmarks with other skin derivatives, for example, seborrheic keratoses. Therefore, in order to make sure that moles and other skin derivatives do not have a risk of harm, it is necessary to visit the dermatovenereologist once a year or more often, if you notice that the condition of the birthmark has changed. For instance, it has become asymmetrical, increased, its edges became uneven, color changes, bleeding, redden the surrounding skin, started itching, wetting.
Laser removal is a safe method, because before the procedure is done, the dermatovenereologist examines the moles using a dermatoscope, and only if there is no doubt about the formation, it is removed. We remove birthmarks for as various reasons as discomfort due to aesthetic image, especially in the visible and exposed area of the body. Also due to constant traumatism, for example. shaving of the face or rubbing with the clothes. MCL 31 Dermablate Superfractional Er: YAG laser can treat any surface or benign skin derivatives.
How is the procedure performed?
A light-pulse layer is applied to the matrix and thoroughly and painlessly removed without any risk of regeneration. Laser thermal damage to the skin is very low, so the risk of scarring and pigmentation changes is low. Also the healing process is reducing. Small pigmental moles are removed in a few minutes, but more time is needed to remove larger compounds.
Can the moles be eliminated in all body parts?
Yes, moles can be eliminated in all parts of the body.
Is it a painful procedure?
The procedure is painless. However, if necessary before the procedure, anesthetizing with a cream or topical anesthetic is possible.
Wart laser removal
Warts are a very common viral infection that occurs in hard skin nodules. Warts can be:
- ordinary - occurs on the hands, 2-7 mm in size, round in shape, usually the warp does not hurt, but growing up to the nail, it can be painful;
- flat - i.e. young wart, commonly found on the face, hands, on the skin of young people, are very fine 1-3 mm, with a smooth surface;
- soles - this type of warts are usually more sensitive, they feel pain when perceived, flat in shape, tend to squeal;
- yarns - the most commonly found on the face, neck skin, around the lips or eyes. It is a long, thin, soft, with uneven surface.
- pointed condylomas - are usually found around the anus, in the penis head, in the sexual lobes in the vagina, in the buttocks in the skin, in the perineum.
How is the wart removal by laser performed?
The light-pulsed layer of a layer exposed to the carp is painlessly removed within a few minutes. After the procedure, avoid intense physical exercises for at least 5 days, as well as work that avoids dirt, dust, etc.
Is the procedure painful?
During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling, but in general, the procedure is not painful. If necessary, local anesthetic may be given prior to the procedure.
What causes warts?
Warts that are infected do not begin to grow rapidly. Usually it starts within 1-8 months. Wart is catched by direct contact with damaged skin, but can also become infected through objects. Skin dryness, damage, increased sweating and reduced skin pH help penetrate the virus. The sole warts are infected in saunas, swimming pools, especially if you do not wear any footwear. Pointed condylomas are transmitted through sexual contact or through infected objects. Their spread is stimulated by inflammatory processes (intake, gonorrhea, chlamydiosis) and inappropriate personal hygiene.
Important to know:
Before the procedure
- It is recommended to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation to the planned treatment spot (avoid direct sunlight / solarium) for at least 4 weeks before treatment.
- If you are using anticoagulants (blood thinners such as Orfarin, Aspirin), stop using them at least 3 days before the treatment.
- There can be no pathological changes (inflammation, abscesses, etc.) in the place of planned treatment.
- It is advisable to delay the procedure if you are pregnant.
Side effects and complications
Medical treatment procedures always leave a low risk. Usually, this treatment is safe, but there are several complications:
- Depending on the size of the infection, redness, swelling and / or a feeling of heat may appear after treatment, also the scabs that cannot be damaged.
- Occasionally pigmentation changes may occur (the treated area may become pale or darker than the surrounding skin), but usually it lasts from a few weeks to several months.
- In rare cases, scars or skin cracks may develop.
After the treatment
- Avoid direct sunlight, do not go to the solarium. Use sunscreen (SPF 30 or more).
- If the scabs were formed, do not touch them.
- Avoid intense physical activity for at least 5 days after the treatment.
- Avoid to work in dirt or dust.
- If you notice skin irritation or other skin reactions that are not mentioned here, contact your doctor!
- The effects of ultraviolet radiation are dependent on many factors. The most dangerous time of the year is sunbathe from early spring to mid-August. The worst sun is from 10am to 4pm.
- A harmful effect of the sun can be avoided by missing direct sunlight, wearing protective clothing or using sun protection.
- Sun protection sunscreens are of varying strength. The least protective – SPF 2-12, moderately protective – SPF 12-30, strongly protecting – SPF 30 and more.
- The SPF indicator tells us about the degree of protection against UVB radiation, which is provided by the percentage of protective cream. It is stated that: SPF 2 – blocks about 25-30%; SPF 25 – 96%, and SPF 30-50 – 98% UVB rays.
- All photo-protective creams should be applied every 2 to 3 hours, re-rinsing should be done if bloating or sweating.