Laser / photon flow therapy has a very versatile effect, is completely painless and non-hazardous. In the BIOFIRST clinic, the German-made device with which very high skin surface area can be treated quickly and safely. Laser light stimulates cell healing, activates the body's therapeutic powers, increases the level of immune responses and normalizes metabolic functions.
Photodynamic therapy is increasingly used in dermatology. It not only effectively treats various pre-inflammatory, inflammatory (acne), viral (herpes) and other skin diseases, various wounds and scars, but also has a skin-rejuvenating effect. Amazing cosmetic results are observed in the fight against skin aging problems (uneven skin color, wrinkles).
Local photodynamic treatment is a proven method of treatment in both the European Union and the United States and is widely used to treat various diseases. It is an excellent treatment for pre-cancerous diseases (actinic keratoses) and superficial skin tumors (surface basal cell carcinomas). It is noted in the literature that treatment of these lesions has a side effect of the procedure - skin regeneration. Thus, patients are pleased not only with effective treatment, but also with excellent cosmetic results, renewed skin.
How many procedures can be needed?
Depending on the particular problem, an individual procedure is assigned. Typically, 1 to 3 procedures are needed for pre-cancerous and cancerous illnesses with a 1-2 week break. for acne treatment it is recommended min 5-6 procedures at the same 1-2 week interval.